I think there is a huge difference between legalizing alcohol vs. drugs. I mean come on are they stupid for even thinking this!!!!! YES THEY ARE!!!! I know how the Mexican government can fix this problem. Get there military and go in and do a mass sweep out and get as much of the drug lords or as I like to call them (high school drop outs who can’t make it in the world) off the streets. But this is easier said than done now you have to deal with dirty politicians who get paid by the cartels, and get paid very very well for what they do. I have a friend that said that the police are a major player in the cartel, the easiest way to become part of the cartel family is to become a cop. Now that is sad when you have no one to rely on in your time of need.
Let’s say they do legalize drugs well then what? You are going to have all the drug lords fighting even more so for territory to sell once illegal drugs, they are going to fight to the end. The bigger the territory the more money they will make and the more power. I know that they are not even thinking about what is going to do to the world you are going to have a flood of people going to Mexico to get legal drugs to get there fix on. I mean come on and how are they going to stop all of these people from smuggling drugs back into their countries, it is going to be a never ending story. You are going to have a drugged up country, and there economy is going to suffer and companies are going to fall because there employees are going to be to drugged up to work.
So what I am trying to say is HELL TO THE NO to legalizing drugs in Mexico. Mexico needs to grow some balls and stop this stuff from going on. They need to show the world that they can take care of there own problems and step up to the plate.
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