Thursday, April 16, 2009


I do not really have a problem with the law/justice system. But like everything the system can be improved. I do not mean change the whole thing only a few things. I think with a few changes this country could run a lot smoother, like a well oiled piece watch. With only a few changes this country could show the world that Americans are not completely ass holes (pardon my French) and self absorbed children running around acting like we are the end all and be all. Like I said before with a few small changes to our laws and justice system we can become an even greater nation, one under God, something that we have been saying all of these years and making ourselves look like hypocrites saying it.

Health care what the hell is going on there!!!! How is it that there are counties around the world with that that offer universal health care (less fortunate than the USA I might add) and the USA has just fallen by the waste side when that subject comes up. I mean come on now let’s get real; if the government really wanted to have universal health care for everyone they would have it. But the good old honest politicians (yeah right honest) don’t see it in the best interest of the American people. But there are Babies dyeing every day because of their parents cannot afford to keep their baby in for a few more days to make sure that he/she is in pristine condition. How sad is that. So let’s fix this. I guarantee that America will become a better place.

Although there is many thing I could talk about and I know that my followers would love hearing me talk about what I think laws should be (yeah right in my dreams) I am just going to talk about one that really gets me, it is not a law but is should be. I think that teachers should never get laid I mean how are kids suppose to get a great education without someone to teach you. Here in Las Vegas/Henderson the Clark County School District is laying off 300 teachers. Before the end of the 2009 school year. Well you figure 300 teachers with an average of 10 students per class (which is really really low) that is that is 3000 students who will not have teachers so what is going to happen to them? They will be shoved into an overcrowded class. Where they will NOT get the one on one attention to their work that they need , the students will fall behind in class and eventually fail the class and the teachers will not care they are underpaid and now they have a huge class and many students to look after they are there late at night grading papers and working , and what do they care if you fail out of class after the year is done they do not have to see you again. Eventually students will just drop or fail out of school because of this, they will uneducated and an invaluable assets to the society.

With only these two changes the USA would become a better place. If we got universal health care paid by the government I think that would create a lot of new jobs and help the economy and everyone else, and the people will not be afraid to go to the hospital if they are sick or even injured. For the teachers getting laid off I gave you the number for just CCSD imagine what is going on nationwide, and how this is going to affect generation Y and I do not want to be labeled as generation stupid.


  1. Universal healthcare isn't the greatest either. I have seen first hand (my in-laws) how it works and it's crap. How would you like the goverment tell you what doctor you are allowed to see based on your address alone. If you don't like that doctor SOL. To see a specialist you need a referal and if you don't get it from your doctor SOL. Or having to wait 6 months to get your eyes checked then to find out you need catarat surgery then you wait another 6 months to a year to be able to schedule it. Or how about having to wait over 3 hrs just to have blood drawn for a simple blood test, btw just had blood work drawn here and I was in and out of the place in less than 45 minutes. I can go on and on about the "nightmares" my in-laws have had - so Universal healthcare isn't the answer either. I agree what we have here needs to be fixed, but by doing something else than universal healthcare - what - I don't know.

  2. The truthful and in your face opinion about the law/justice system that you’re saying here really struck me. The health care system is a joke in America and it’s the saddest thing to see the effects because of it. The fact that Las Vegas not only does not have enough teachers here as it is, but also the ones that we have are getting laid off on top of that, is very upsetting. We need to fix our education system here in the Clark County system because as it is, I know we are not high up on the “extremely smart youth” group of kids in this city of sin. We should have no reason to be known as Generation stupid when there is just so much education available out there, but for some just no means to get to it. I completely agree with changing the youth of America to make it a better place for you and I.
