Thursday, May 28, 2009



Savana Redding, now 19, who in 2003 was an eighth-grade honors student at Safford Middle School, about 127 miles from Tucson, Arizona. Was strip-searched by school officials after a fellow student accused her of having prescription-strength ibuprofen pills. The school has a zero-tolerance policy for all prescription and over-the-counter medication, including the ibuprofen, without written permission.

Vice Principal Kerry Wilson took Redding to his office to search her backpack. When nothing was found, Redding was taken to a nurse's office where she says she was ordered to take off her shirt and pants. Redding said they then told her to move her bra to the side and to stretch her underwear waistband, exposing her breasts and pelvic area. No pills were found.

A federal magistrate dismissed the lawsuit, Savana and her mother brought in a federal appeals panel, and they agreed that the search didn't violate her rights. But a full panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals found the search was "an invasion of constitutional rights."

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Property rights

I would want my rights as a property owner. To have the divine right to do whatever you want. If you would like to check on the house you can, if you want to kick them out for no reason you can, and if you want to raise their rent you can. I know of a lot of property owners that are stuck with people that are not paying rent, and getting away with it because that law is on their side. Now the owner can not make the payment to the bank because he and or she can afford the home on their own income. Now if that was my house I would want the lessees out of there as fast as possible so I could get a new tenet in there so I could make the mortgage payment.

Now if I was the person that is renting the home or unit I would want the law on my side, I would not want to wake up in the and see some one sitting in the kitchen waiting to talk to me about why the grass was not mowed or the trash was not taken out for a few weeks. That would just suck. I would feel like I am being watched by a baby sitter. I would freak out about everything. A eating on the carpet, having friends over and even having a dinner party, and that is no way to live.

What I am trying to say is that both sides would feel venerable at some point and compromises have to be made. No one is really going to win. But what you can do is just make sure that both ends are covered in a legal binding contract. This is the owners house, but the tenets home.

Instant Extra Credit

Three Names I have been called:
1. Christian
2. Chris
3. Good lookin

Three Jobs I have had in my life (include unpaid if you have to):
1. Assistant manager of CM. Answering Service
2. Tech theatre coach for CCSD
3. Loan originator

Three Places I Have Lived:
1. Santa Barbra
2. Glendale
3. Las Vegas

Three TV Shows that I watch:
2. Nip Tuck
3.Larry King Live

Three places I have been:
1. Lake mead
2. Reno
3. San Jose

People that e-mail me regularly
1. Alyssa Robins
2. John Barnett
3. Helen Sax

Three of my favorite foods
1. Chinese
2. Mexican
3. Norsk

Three cars I have driven:
1. Cadillac Escalade
2. Cadillac Deville
3. Dodge Ram T

Three things I am looking forward to:
1. Starting a new career
2. Starting Law school
3. Going to Columba

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Greed is not good, it is GREAT!!! Without it we would not have the work ethic we have today (take that how you want). Everyone works harder, smarter and longer hours to get a better paycheck. Without the dream of becoming a millionaire over night we would live in a completely different county and world. Greed is not only an American dream but a worldwide dream. I mean who does not want to live in a posh mansion and drive a Rolls Royce, have privet jets and be able to go out and spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on at a drop of a dime. I will say it again it is the American dream.

But with every dream comes nightmares. You are going to be called names for just having money, you will always have the notion of losing it all in one bad investment and or one big ordeal. You can be sued for really nothing at all and you always have to watch your back especially when it comes to your close friends and family everyone is out for your money.

When it comes to the big bankers, CEO’s, COO’S, CFO’S and the Hedge fund operator, who most make millions if not billions a year YOU NEED TO GET OVER IT. If you made that much money I would bet you anything you would not complain at all. So what I am trying to say is if they want to run there company’s down the drain and washes them out financially let them, it is really none of your business even if you work for the company. Things happen. Get a new job.

The universal dream to makes million over night. It rarely happens like that so keep on dreaming. As for the big wigs making the million even billions just keep on doing what you do. After all you are paying more taxes then most of us are so we as in the middle class have no right to say anything.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Bong hits for Jesus

First off I would like to say WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT BOY THINKING!!!! Is he mentally incompetent? I am guess he is. Who would you but that banner up in the first place, he had to know that he would get in trouble or there would be some course of action against him. Oh wait I forgot he is mentally incompetent, or has to be if he thought he would get away with this scratch free. They he has the nerve to sue the school and or teacher for suspending him. If that was my kid I would of beat the hell out of him. Oh wait I bet his parents probably stood by him and praised him for what is was doing. Who does that supports their kids for supporting drugs. Especially when the banner said Bongs hits for Jesus. How dare him use our lord and savors name like that. I mean come on; I really don’t think that it would have been such a big deal if he did not use our lord’s name in that context like that.

As far as the school doing what they did. GOOD FOR YOU. Thank you for caring enough to back up your teachers/ staff. All the way up to the Supreme Court. You did the right thing and it really means a lot when you stick by your rules and care enough to keep trashy kids out of a learning environment. School is bad enough and when you throw in a banner that says (Bong Hits for Jesus) into the picture you have a recipe for disaster.

I am going to put a picture at the bottom to show you what the poster said. Also I am going to attach the link to the article. So you can read it.



Drugs: To Legalize or Not

I think there is a huge difference between legalizing alcohol vs. drugs. I mean come on are they stupid for even thinking this!!!!! YES THEY ARE!!!! I know how the Mexican government can fix this problem. Get there military and go in and do a mass sweep out and get as much of the drug lords or as I like to call them (high school drop outs who can’t make it in the world) off the streets. But this is easier said than done now you have to deal with dirty politicians who get paid by the cartels, and get paid very very well for what they do. I have a friend that said that the police are a major player in the cartel, the easiest way to become part of the cartel family is to become a cop. Now that is sad when you have no one to rely on in your time of need.

Let’s say they do legalize drugs well then what? You are going to have all the drug lords fighting even more so for territory to sell once illegal drugs, they are going to fight to the end. The bigger the territory the more money they will make and the more power. I know that they are not even thinking about what is going to do to the world you are going to have a flood of people going to Mexico to get legal drugs to get there fix on. I mean come on and how are they going to stop all of these people from smuggling drugs back into their countries, it is going to be a never ending story. You are going to have a drugged up country, and there economy is going to suffer and companies are going to fall because there employees are going to be to drugged up to work.

So what I am trying to say is HELL TO THE NO to legalizing drugs in Mexico. Mexico needs to grow some balls and stop this stuff from going on. They need to show the world that they can take care of there own problems and step up to the plate.